Hydrangea Hortensia

It’s Friday again, but no TGIF drinks today - two of the protagonists are in London celebrating their wedding anniversary , so it’s a Billy no mates end to the week.

Into the bargain it’s been a ‘Nothing to see here, move along ‘ kind of day - a pool swim, a coffee , a delivery of beach shoes and a terrible bus journey (to avoid wading through the Festival crowds) to the West End and St John’s craft Fair where my niece has a stall. The bus was choc a bloc with standing room only which was filled by large youths with even larger rucksacks and every traffic light en route was at red. 
Still I made it and found my niece more by accident than by design. We caught up on family news and I made a purchase. I walked home having learned my lesson with the buses.

I am now ensconced on the patio in the sunshine listening to the general chatter of those on the other side of the railings and the beat of an insistent drummer aided and abetted  by a trumpeter entertaining an audience about 100yds away. 

We have been very lucky with the weather so far this month  and this Hydrangea Hortensia is enjoying the sunshine in a Marchmont garden.

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