Another day, another appointment

No.1 had a scan booked today so we drove over to RM.  As part of the scan she needs to have a cannula fitted as dye goes through her veins during the process (not sure why but shows up on the scan?).  She had a YTS boy inserting the cannula and he was making a right mess of it - something about having a valve in the way?  We had a problem making sense of what he was saying (not helped by his strong accent) but he went to get a more senior person who tried her hand instead of her arm and the cannula was inserted without problem.  He had a very interesting tattoo on his arm which I admired and asked if it had significance.  He said it represented 'peace' but I didn't hear the rest as it made me really emotional and I had to leave the room. No.1 brave and calm and stoical as ever and me a mess seeing everything she has to go through.  YTS boy came back with tissues showing kindness.

We went to Maggies for a cup of tea and I got a grip and ate biscuits (whilst talking to a rather large man with prostrate cancer).  It is an oasis of calm in a busy hospital but I would rather be anywhere than there.  Picture is of all the booklets available on many different types of cancer?  Whoever knew?

OH played golf and arrived home just before we did.  We all felt tired but I was tired and grumpy so decided to do a bit of pottering in the greenhouse until my mood lifted.

Onwards and upwards

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