
Plasterers started on the rendering today. I came out with a drink for them and they'd written this! Pity it will be covered over on Monday when they do the final coat.

I had a heavy fall on this mornings walk. Tripped over a tree root in the dark spinney. In a split second I was on the floor, my first thought was 'How am I going to finish the painting now". Second thought "I may have cracked a rib". I don't think I have, but it's very painful. Luckily it's on my left side, and although I can't move very easily (or cough, or sneeze) I could paint. I've got a very determained streak!

I've added an extra of Franky, our eldest Grandchild after his first tennis lesson. Jodie sent it yesterday after I'd blipped, so I've added it today, it's such a lovely picture (In my biased opinion).

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