West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Communication Breakdown

A late posting today. It has not been a good day, as time passed I really just wanted to find a quiet corner and be by myself!!! I found myself wandering the city early, it was already muggy but I knew the shot I wanted and I set off, it wasn't to be the cloud and light conspired to spoil my plans. I kind of wandered aimlessly and ended up back at the car, a feeling of foreboding for the day ahead.

A glib comment by a colleague set the tone, I am sure it was intended to be funny but it was far from it ;it was personal and cutting and uncalled for but maybe I just see the world a little differently. I was not in the mood for anything after that, it played on my mind more than it should but sometimes we just cant cant help ourselves.

I didn't feel like taking the camera out but needed to be anywhere but in the office and at lunchtime I set off to wander and people watch. I am not good at shooting people I avoid it to be honest but today I had no option, the street performers were all anonymous today a poor mime artist, a circus style performer holding a big crowd, some singers and the obligatory pipers.

I was resigned to nothing when I saw this lady, she was frantically trying to unlock the phone, a panicked look on her face, as she shook the phone her glasses almost fell, I had one shot and this was the result and I kind of like it. It makes me wonder was it a work call a personal call, a friend, a lover.

It is strange how seeing that special someone's name on the screen of your phone can send the spirits soaring. make your heart skip a beat, make you feel alive again, make you feel a part of something, make you feel wanted. The love of friends is a very special thing embrace it, never take it for granted, friends take a lifetime to find and can be lost in an instant, don't let the friends you love slip away, send that text, make that call, Say whatever it is you have to say to let them know you are there, no matter what no matter when.

I am sorry I don't have any interesting facts or a little bit of history to share this evening; to the ones I love know I am right there with you, always and forever day or night.

I hope you enjoy the shot, she is beautiful in large I think

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