Leap Frog Lady

Sometimes the simple pleasures in life are the most enjoyable. The twins are funny little people, they, unlike most of their peers it seems, enjoy being outside and playing as opposed to playing on he's consoles it watching television. Don't get me wrong, they have a console between them and they do enjoy using it from time to time and of course they enjoy some television time too but I love how the are happiest playing outdoors, on their bikes, in the field or just in the garden, to see their smiling faces and hear their shouts and laughter is good for my soul.

Just a simple shot, Mimi vaulting the pier head bollards her beautifully smile speaks volumes about the joys of childhood. I see the twins grow in every way everyday now or so it seems, I would love to put them in a bubble and keep them just as they are still with the innocence that children enjoy but an understanding of the world around them. I hope you enjoy this simple shot, one for the album perhaps...

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