The day to start is today

By Traci

I am taking care of my procrastination issues

just you wait and see :)

From bud yesterday to full rose bloom today, the wonders of a summers day ( I think after three days of beautiful sunshine I can officially say summer) I just wish there was a smelly vision app to send you all a whiff of this rose's fragrance, absolutely beautiful. We inherited three rose bushes when we moved here just over 10 years ago. I am not particularly blessed with green fingers, but these have defied all odds and are still flowering every year magnificently.

Hubby has been out today with a chainsaw trying to get some of the larger trees back under control so the back garden is covered in chopped up bits of branches. Thankfully another day of sunshine forecast for tomorrow so it should all make its way to the wood shed area (we haven't quite got one yet - but it is planned - and now we really do need it !!)

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