A productive morning with a trip to the hairdressers, zoom coffee with a former work colleague and now good friend, and the wonderful gas man who arrived a bit early just as my lunchtime bacon sandwich was ready. He fiddled about for a bit and then asked me to hold a cloth over the sink plug hole where upon a highly satisfying amount of black gunk attempted to spout through the dish cloth. He explained that combination boilers are connected to the drains which can get blocked and this compromises their reset ability. He cheerily said there would just be a call out charge. I am absurdly in awe of his skills and customer service.
It was late in the afternoon by the time I went out to get something for tea and as usual when I’m walking I took the riverside path with the Burgh Hall and the old Sir John Maxwell school on the horizon. They have been demolishing the beautiful red stone school for several months, taking care to preserve certain masonry work. I was quite taken aback to see the progress thus far. It reminded of the 19th century paintings of patients on a makeshift operating table.
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