River of Flowers

By doffy

It’s F R I D A Y … !

Temperature hovering under 20°C for most of day, some sunshine and very windy …

Having recharged my batteries yesterday, I was determined to finish off clearing the long garden. First job was to get all the compostable material onto a large woven plastic sheet. This left me with bare stems of eucalyptus and hazel and a few eucalyptus logs.

This afternoon fate strangely brought to my garden a young woman and her daughter who live nearby but I’d not spoken to previously. She was overjoyed with my garden and couldn’t believe that I (mostly) just let everything get on with it! She has started a little business creating homes for wildlife from discarded natural materials - my mini logs and branches went home with her :-)

Blip of the Itea - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2741396162903805161 - which has gone totally over the top this year! I think the insects are enjoying the nectar :-)

This last week has just flown, enjoy your Friday night everyone XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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