The view from up here (Phare de Calais)

Today we drove up to Calais, our first stop upon arrival being the Calais Wine Superstore.

With the car suitably laden, we found our hotel and headed back into Calais, where we parked up and looked for somewhere to eat. We found a large square, surrounded by restaurants, most of which were closed, but we found one that was open for food and a beer.

And thus fortified, we proceeded to our afternoon's objective, the Phare de Calais (see Extra). As ever, I was impressed to see the Minx quietly battle her vertigo as we made our way up the 271 stairs to the top, whence I took today's Blip.

Heights have a curious effect: I was tempted to climb over the side of the balcony, although, of course, I was never going to. And I am convinced I'm going to have nightmares tonight involving heights and my children.

Anyway, mad impulses unfulfilled, we made our way back down - slightly, if oddly, more unnerving that climbing up - and returned to our hotel.

This evening, I finally published my album to Bandcamp. It is the culmination of an ill-defined dream that I've had since I was maybe nine years old. My own album of my own music.

Now for the next one!

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