
From the eighth century BCE until the fourth century CE, the Olympic Games were held every four years in Olympia.

What's not (yet) mentioned in Wikipedia is that we visited there, today, setting off early to take the New National Road along the coast, stopping on the way at a little roadside café for breakfast, and arriving sometime after ten o'clock.

It was already hot but we lathered on the sun tan lotion and set off to walk around the old site of the games. My first Extra gives you just a hint of how big an area it is, all covered in the ruins of the old buildings and useful information panels. 

Highlights (for me) included an almost perfectly preserved mosaic and, in particular, the old running track, not quite two hundred metres round. I really couldn't imagine running in that heat. (When I've run so far on this trip. I've set off before eight o'clock, and even then it's been warm.)

To get back home, we decided to go across the mountains, having perhaps not anticipated just how roundabout that route would be, nor the optimistic interpretation of some 'roads' taken by both Apple and Google in their mapping apps!

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