La vida de Annie

By Annie

Thanks for the memories

Last meal in the Walton Centre was apple juice, ham salad and apple crumble and custard, followed by a mug of the kind of hospital tea you can stand a spoon up in. I never did get the MRI scan I was waiting for, but will get it as an outpatient once an appointment has been made. The treatment I received here was exceptional, the only failing being in keeping patients informed about what is going on. I waited 3 days for the op without an explanation, had 3 days of treatment and recovery, then 3 days of waiting to be told what exactly had been done and to be discharged. In the end the specialist Neuro nurse got hold of my notes and confirmed that the plan to block off the unruptured aneurysm had been completed satisfactorily with no apparent side effects. I now feel like Bionic Woman (or Robo-Granny as has been suggested) with a titanium rod in one leg and coils of platinum wire in the middle cerebral arteries on both sides of my brain. Now I'm home, feeling blatted, and intending to follow the medical advice to take things easy for a few weeks. It has been an adventure. I'm sorry for the near-total commenting failure over the past few weeks but really appreciate all the wonderful ones I've received. Thank you.

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