
By H22

Place: Greenville, SC 73/92
Main activity: Sun - TJs, Aldi, nap
Notes: Another pretty decent day overall for Kathy and she road w/ me to Trader Joe's in Mauldin - we left right around 1111a. Was VERY busy and lots of energy - I felt the chaos and freneticism (??). Aldi was a bit quieter, stopped on the return trip but only got organic strawberries. Watched the last 2 episodes of FIsk and then we both took naps - I slept quite a bit and pretty deeply. Was too late by the time I woke and showered to think about making my meal and then Kathy wasn't wanting that so seemed I'd have to make something else. Decided to make it a fasting day. Quiet night, we started a Sandra Bullock movie on Netflix but was awful and then Kathy needed to go to bed - I followed shortly after and streamed a little but then needed to sleep.

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