Afternoon tea

That’s my turn over for another few months. This book group is going the way if our old walking cum supper group - they turn up for the food rather than the reason for it. A short time was spend discussing “Dictionary of Lost Words”. Two members - same culprits and the reason why I don’t like this group so much now) kept talking about their illnesses/holidays before Marian had a chance to speak about the book so I had to interrupt them to ask her what she thought. (Katy forgot to come).

This is what’s left of the tea so I took it along to Ros and Geoff, still ill with Covid - days of awful headache and fatigue - rang the bell and left it on the step.

The spread went down well. The only bread in the Co-op was olive sourdough. I spread some hummus on it and topped it with an olive and basil. The white scones, made this morning, were served the Cornish way - clotted cream first, topped with my homemade blackcurrant jam. There was the Delia cake and choc pistachio tray bake too but the hit was the treacle scones - my mum’s recipe. They’d never tasted such Scottish fare before.

#3 daughter and family are now in a hotel in Grenada for a couple of nights before coming home on Wednesday. She sent a hilarious picture of Ella crawling along the hotel hallway to the lift - she’s scared of the drop as the balustrade is low. She does so well to conquer the fear at Cubs when they have to climb and abseil.

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