Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Blanes, day 3

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Re-acquainting ourselves with the place again and we found ourselves having a late lunch of fish and chips at the Scottish-run place which we’d found last year, The Shack. We don’t often get the chance and we were even offered vinegar without having to ask! Most of the morning was taken up with my kindle refusing to play ball when I realised that lots of my books somehow weren’t opening, but were ‘queued’. Then I noticed that some books had only been delivered to my kindle and others only to the kindle app on my phone :-( Finally, and for reasons we couldn’t quite understand, they all started to ‘un-queue’ when we connected to The Shack’s wifi! Bb was even more relieved than I was I think - I was grumpy and frustrated that I couldn’t fix it!

Apart from that, walks along the front, sitting on the balcony, reading and some nibbles at night in Cal Tony’s.

Finished my first holiday book, ‘The Saturday Morning Park Run’ - a light and enjoyable read. Started ‘Lessons in Chemistry’.

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