I do like to reside beside the seaside.

My morning walk with the dog. Drama! First of all we were confronted by a black fox on the foreshore. Murdo stood his ground and the fox sloped off into the woods. All good.

Then we noticed lots of police activity. Two of them stopped us. "Oh no." I thought, "not another misunderstanding like the last three". No, they were after our help, they couldn't get their van along the foreshore and wanted to know how far along I had been with the dog. They gave me a description of a missing person, a auld buddy in his 80s with dementia had gone walk about, and when he had done it before he tends to gravitate to where we walk. We had been a fair distance through the woods and along the shore but all we had encountered (apart from the fox) were walkers, cyclists and an overly attentive dog called Rocky. We promised to keep an eye out and went on our way. What a police response, there were cars and vans all over.

Back home I checked the town's face book page but no mention which I hope suggests he has been found.

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