
My ever growing irritation at people who drop litter and don’t put it in bins or take it home reached new levels of intensity this morning.

The car was due its service and first MOT. Our garage is at Newbridge round the (very busy) bypass. Many schools were back today so the traffic had reverted to its rush hour mode, though “rush” would have been great. At one point it took me 20+ minutes to travel one mile.

Anyhow, I tend to leave the car all day and hop on buses to get home, returning late afternoon. As I went to sit down there was not just a ticket on the seat but a discarded mostly eaten banana.

As a dog owner I nearly always have “poo bags” in my pocket so I was able to tidy it away and dispose of it when I got off the bus.

Paper generally does not leave a stain but decomposing fruit does. Why would someone not take it away with them instead of leaving it to fester on the seat?

What sense - or lack of - social responsibility makes someone feel it is OK to leave a banana skin lying around?

But then I recall the scenes of litter left after festivals, football matches, public events.

Oh dear, I am getting grumpy! I’ll be writing to the papers next!

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