Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Two banded wasp hoverfly?

Another blip gap has occurred. The longest one ever for me. 
I still think of myself as an active blipper but, clearly the proof of the pudding was left uneaten on the side (like the skin on the custard*) some 11 months ago. 
I have no excuses. 
I still have Elderlies in my World. They are still taking up a great deal of my time. (One of them is in the late nineties now). 
I do some voluntary work too (to keep myself a bit grounded. Some might ask how that's working out for me!).

Dementia is a dreadful condition. Dealing with loved ones affected by it sometimes makes me feel as though I've had my joy hoovered out through my eyes.
I keep conversation as real and as light as possible when I speak with the Elderlies and, occasionally they say something so odd that I do laugh but, ninety nine percent of the time we have the same conversation every day and one can only offer patience. 

I can't promise that I shall have time to give comments, and obviously I expect none. Though I still feel part of this wonderful and warm community. 

*For clarification, the skin on rice pudding is obvs a completely different matter :-)


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