fire wednesday

I was very pleased this morning when I checked the DG1 app and found that there had been 5 cancellations for today's Aqaerobics class. I booked a place and also a sauna slot. 

We had our morning coffee outside in the sunshine before I left for town and the weather looked to be set fair for the day. I enjoyed the class and also some good sauna chat, about day centres and sleep (with different people!). I'm having lots of chats with folk about sleep just now as I'm reading Matthew Walker's book "Why We Sleep" and it's such a fascinating subject. I'm trying to make it a priority to get 8 hours a night if I can and feeling the difference already.

After a quick lunch back at home, it was time to get the mower out. Two weeks' worth of growth and recent rain meant that it wasn't an easy job. I had to lie down for a bit afterwards!

And here we are outdoors again, having a tea cooked in the woods.

Making the most of the summer while we can :-)

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