
By Bimjim4

Matt the lion

Introducing Matt - who stands atop the wall at the top of our driveway.
We call him our "Welcome Matt".
Matt came to us from a recycling yard in Nottingham. He may, previously, have occupied a much more prestigious position in the past than he does now. Some stately home perhaps, we speculate.
About 18 months ago we returned home from a trip away to find Matt missing, along with a length of our stone wall. In our absence an out -of-control car had collided at some speed with the wall and demolished about four metres of it.
We found Matt some way off in the middle of some shrubs - lurking, hidden - intact, still proud - and uninjured, to our relief! Matt had proved himself to be much more resilient than the stone wall on which he stood, and more resilient than our neighbour's car which had also taken a hit and been declared an insurance "write-off" in the same collision.
Wall now reconstructed...and Matt safely restored to his proud position - once again welcoming all our friends and visitors. Isn't he a fine fellow?

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