Lens cap

Today was Wednesday and a promised sunny day.  OH was playing in a golf competition (seems like a theme here?) and I decided on a trip to the beach.  I messaged No.2 as I was not sure if he was working?  He was not sure (lots to do) but decided to join me for a few hours.  The weather was ok but not as hot as I hoped and there was a breeze which cooled the temperature.  I did put my toe in the water but it didn't feel that warm and there was too much kak floating around which put me off!!  We sat and chatted and he went for a stroll with his camera (I took this picture of his replacement lens cap which made me laugh!).  The camera is over 35 years old - a nikon which OH bought on a trip to Hong Kong many years ago - still using a film rather than digital which No.2 likes).  

In other news MIL back in hospital again - she could not get off the commode this morning, her legs have given up again and ambulance was called and she is in the same ward for the 4th time in two months.  And so it goes on.  Next step we have been told is a hospital bed in her house (small two bedroom with no room) so OH will have to arrange for removal of sofa and table and chairs and then she can come home but will be effectively 'bed ridden' needing two carers to get her out of bed each time.  It certainly puts me off getting old - poor lady, whatever my feelings for her she could do without this.  Maybe next step will be care home but it will have to be care home plus to deal with her needs.

No.1 had a nice day in sunny Eastbourne, taking it easy while L was working, hopefully the effects of the chemo starting to ease off.

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