
I was up early today as OH was out of the house by 7.00 for a golf competition.  It was a little cooler so I decided to do my normal walk through the orchards where I spotted lots of apples on the ground and some which appear to be 'cooked'.  Another casualty of the high temperature and likely to mean higher prices in the winter?

Home to continue menu planning and putting together a food shopping list. I am not sure why I am getting myself into such a tizzy over friends staying?  They are only here for one night (and other local friends joining us) but I want it to be a success.  I have decided to up my BBQ came and found a recipe for butterflied lamb.  I visited our local butcher and asked for a leg of lamb which he trimmed and butterflied before I asked the price - silly me.............. OH will be under strict instructions not to burn or overcook lamb, as I needed a second mortgage to buy it!!

More rushing around to Lidl, Tesco and M&S as you can never get everything in one place and home to unload.  I bought pistachio nuts and had ten minutes before volunteering shift so decided to shell the nuts in preparation, but do you think I can find the recipe?  So now I have shelled nuts and not sure what I am doing with them?  I really need to get a grip.

Three hours of volunteering listening to some very sad troubled folks (one chap with debilitating illness leaving him in constant pain, two autistic children, a drink problem and mired in debt....... more than one person can bear which left him contemplating ending it all?). Puts my woes about lamb and BBQ in perspective.

Home to make chocolate brownies, which I am going to serve with strawberries as one of the puddings tomorrow.  Watched something easy on TV and woke up just as it was finishing.  

OH home from football where his team won 5:0.  If I was a churlish person I would wonder why I was at home rushing around shopping and cooking (they are principally his friends from skiing?)  while he was out enjoying  himself?  But hopefully he will step up tomorrow and be the perfect host (rather than acting like he is another guest!!). Moan over.

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