River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Big Bales …

… and Bramble Blossom :-))
I was looking through the window mid-morning, there were 3 Buzzards gliding on the thermals a couple of fields away. I remembered the “Big Bales” I’d seen as I drove home on Tuesday. A few minutes later I was washed and dressed and had arrived at the field, so pleased that the bales were still in the field, sadly the Buzzards had moved on …

The road was so very busy, it had taken me a while just to cross over to the field - I walked along the pavement for a few minutes waiting for a gap in the traffic from both directions … eventually able to cross.

Decided to walk down the lane to the beach, then turned off for home - it really was too hot to walk :-((

For the past few days I’ve been trying to renew the house insurance online, eventually phoning the helpline and after a 10 minute wait got through to their help desk only to get disconnected during the instructions … :-((

After lunch, I gathered up what little patience I had left to phone the optician to make appointments for eye tests for MrD and for me, a very helpful young woman and a number of phones ringing beside her - our appointments are mid-October …

Lots of love and long distance hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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