Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Dining Out

Or perhaps I should have titled it "making out"?  Always fun finding Goldenrod Soldier Beetles this time of year - not only are they very sporty looking, but they are also into flower sports.  It's always amusing to me that while the male hangs and and does his thing, the female is content to enjoy her meal (like many beetles, they eat pollen and nectar).  She will amble all around the flowers with him firmly attached.  There were at least 10 of them in a little patch of goldenrod and milkweed when I went out this morning.

Anyway, in spite of humidity and mosquitos, I had a pleasant outing at the state park before cleaning up and meeting a friend for lunch.  When I got home, I pottered around the garden with the macro lens and found a year-first goldenrod crab spider (Extra) and several juvenile Nursery Web Spiders in the rudbeckia patch.  This is a great time of year for arthropods and the people who love them!

Dark with ginger today.  For medicinal purposes because ginger is good for inflammation.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


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