Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hiding in Plain Sight

I was putting everything in its place after having all in disarray the last few days during the roof replacement when I spotted this very tiny Crab Spider on some anise hyssop.  I have not seen a lot of crab spider this summer and none of this species.  Goldenrod Crab Spiders can adjust their color to blend with their surrounding, although a full color change can take several days.  They are either yellow or white with some trace amounts of reddish-pink markings on the side of the abdomen in some cases.  Like all crab spiders, they rely on ambushing their prey - they will sit patiently on a flower waiting for something unsuspecting to land.  Then pounce!  They are capable of taking prey several times their own size.  When I went back to see if I could find her again several hours later, I couldn't find her - maybe she was tucked deeper into the flowers or maybe she moved to another nearby bloom.  Either way, she was a nice surprise today and definitely worthy of a blip.

Hubs and Kura arrived safely in Watkins Glen last night where Peg was waiting for them at the track.  My two besties went on to dinner while Hubs got his race car inspected and took care of paperwork before going to his hotel for the night.  All parties accounted for this morning - my besties are enjoying time together and my husband completed both qualifying runs this morning and is racing in 2 races this afternoon.  

Jax and I are having a pretty chill day with some time out in the garden between rain showers.  It was still sunny this morning so I was able to have tea on the deck which was bliss.  

Overnight oats for breakfast this morning with chopped fresh New Jersey peaches and Michigan blueberries (along with flax, chia and hemp and a drizzle of honey).  Very delicious.  

Probably dark with ginger later...


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