
By KathyH58

August 17

We were working in St Margaret's Bay today and finished around 1:30. I had to meet with a client at 2:30 so I had an hour to kill. I decided to go and sit by the water at The Dingle Park and have my lunch there. These looked like one person sailboats, possibly they are used for teenagers, teaching them to sail. The Armdale Yacht Club is not far from there. Now I have 2 quotes to do for one client. He owns some rental properties and he gets me to do any landscaping/gardening work that is needed.
Rain in the forecast for tomorrow, 30 - 50 mm and possibly more if we get thunder showers. It looks like I will be staying home most of the day.
My arm was still quite swollen and stiff this morning when I got up. It seems to have gone down some now. At least I can use my hand again.

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