
On This Day In History
1958: Vladimir Nabakov's Lolita is published in the U.S.

Quote Of The Day
"Next to the right to create, the right to criticise is the richest gift that liberty of thought and speech can offer."
(Vladimir Nabakov)

Bonus Quote Of The Day
"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned."
(Richard Feynman)

The end of I.N.S.E.T. week and I am extremely happy with the way my classroom now looks. I put in a request for it to be refurbished over the summer holiday and everything was done exactly as I requested. This is how it looked last year. I think the new arrangement is much better with all the children facing the Clever Touch and whiteboard, nobody looking at it at an angle. I'm also excited to teach the new Maths lessons which I prepared over the summer holiday. And, of course, I am excited to get to know all the children in my new class.

Criticism is encouraged, even of how and what I teach, so long as it is constructive criticism and meets the T.H.I.N.K. criteria: 

Who knows, I may be helping to nurture the next Richard Feynman in my class.

Don't Stand So Close To Me

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