
By HareBrain

View from boggy ground!

Been back to my favourite pond environment after work for a bit of a walk in the lovely sunshine, but as the surrounds of the pond are totally overgrown now, my work attire was not atall suitable - a skirt and fitflops. My legs are now on fire with nettle stings and bramble scratches and as I was trying to get really up closer and even more personal with the many damselflies flitting around me, I slipped and got one of my nearly new fitflops stuck in the mud. Lost my balance completely, but saved by the bell, I landed heavily on my backside (ample) no real harm done, and no one saw me, thank goodness!! The fitflop will never be the same again though, and I may have to alter my sitting position at work tomorrow.

No sign of any babies on the pond now - just a pair of coot and Mr and Mrs Mallard, but its a lovely quiet corner to spend time in and view the wildlife which abounds there. I saw quite a few of those pretty male Orange-tip butterflies. Anthocharis cardamine. (blip of 19.5.13) but they wouldn't stay still for a moment.

Lovely evening, off to cook dinner now - maybe a salad of somesort, actually!!

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