Just A Little Divine Intervention

My brother was so happy today was Saturday and he just wanted a relaxing day after what he said had felt like a very long week at work. We still managed to fit in an early morning run but after a suitable period of recuperation we headed to our local, The Chequers, to unwind with a couple of pints and a pizza.
To continue the restful feel to the day we decided to walk out to The Friars (our local Carmelite Priory). It felt like we hadn't been there for ages and we were looking forward to a quiet meander in the wonderfully peaceful surroundings but when we got there it was actually very busy - the car park was rammed and there were several coach parties in attendance.
Happily there is more than enough room for everyone to spread themselves out around the grounds so it didn't actually feel too crowded. We headed to the Rosary Way in the wooded part of the estate and luckily it was almost devoid of visitors so we still got to have a lovely calming stroll and let all the stresses and strains of the week just float away.
Today's shot is one of the icons in the little turret like structures around the perimeter wall of the Rosary Way which display the Fifteen Mysteries Of The Rosary which I have referenced in a previous blip (01/12/2022) but this time it was great to able to see them unshuttered (each icon has its own set of tiny shutters which protects it during the winter months). There is also a glorious display of white roses which you can see in the foreground of my image - I just wanted it to seem as though the figures were emerging from amongst them to provide some divine intervention!
Whilst on our stroll we also met a delightful lady who was visiting from Italy who asked if we wouldn't mind taking some pictures on her phone of her standing in front of the duck pond (rather than any of the Priory's historical  buildings) so she could send them back to her relatives. We were happy to oblige and thankfully she seemed pleased with the results!

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