After the rain

Emergency blip which continues in a way the theme of yesterday. Yet this is different.

Aquilegia is one of the most easy plant in the garden. And it is so beautiful after the rain, as the raindroplets keep on it's petals. It can be my object to the emergency blip as I couldn't imagine better one...

A thunderstorm today - as every day this week. After the rain still +26c. And as sun sets, now as I write this, there is still +18c. Lovely.

This has been a most strange day. I am not sure if it has been a good day, though. Sarcastic and workful for sure. Sometimes you just can not do things as everyone would like to. You just have to do things best as you think you can.

Thanks a lot for your commenting and chatting to the strawberry flowers yesterday - and for the stars too ;-). Waiting for the berries now...

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