Water colours, Thunder & Dining!

Thunder storm above our car on our way visiting grandmum, trees bending over the way... Of course hubby took his motorbike, and had to stop for a while - as we did too soon after this shot was taken (speed only 38km/hour).

After the storm we were searching place for dinner, as we had planned to dine in small willage's local new restaurant before gardening. The restaurant was open, but there was no electricity because of the storm and fallen trees - and we had missed lunch hour too. And due the thunder and 20mm rain we could not do any gardening neither today - unless we like to dive into the field...

Supermarkets closed for some time due the lack of electricity. So we dined in local gas station & motel, which was already open after the storm (they had only a short black out) :)

So, you can easily see, that

Finnish warm summer causes quick and strong thunders, and troubles in the countryside... After the rain the evening seems to be fresh - and as sunny and lovely than the day was!

A couple of stunning evening shots here, if you like!?

Have a lovely weekend, all blippers!


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