Friday: Humberto And Ball

Now, as Molesworth would say, any fule kno that England is in the finals for the Women’s World Cup on Sunday.  Naturally, we had to do something for social media so my colleagues, Mellissa and Humberto, came over to the house for some filming.  Humberto, who is also my driver, was on Belize’s international football team and his sister captained the women’s team for a while.  Here he is, relaxing post filming.  

On another note, our local neighbourhood watch group on WhatsApp has been hilarious today.  To be honest, it’s positively libellous anyway with choice statements like: ‘There’s a man walking down the street whom I haven’t seen before.  He’s clearly a thief’.

Well, today’s hilarity went as follows:
‘A slim man is breaking into the upstairs at 9 Bougainville Street.  Please send the police urgently’

to which someone responds: ‘Is there even a police representative in this chat?’

Few minutes later: ‘sorry, make that 10 Bougainville Street’

Slight pause and several messages later: ‘ABORT.  ABORT.  The man has been identified and cleared.  He’s the plumber’.

It kept me highly entertained.  

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