
My most popular search on the world wide web these days seems to be "How do I know when xxx is ready to harvest?'. Today I asked about Endamame beans (now, so I did, they were yummy but I probably won't repeat, unless I can use some of the seeds), sweetcorn (not quite but almost) and quinoa (pretty much now).

I've stopped picking french beans, I have enough to have them once a week for the next six months in the freezer and that's plenty  The runners have another couple of weeks to go and then I'll stop with them too, other than seed collection. The rain has encouraged a final push of courgette/marrows and I currently have double figures in the fridge so I think I might pull those up soon. Potatoes will stay in the ground for another couple of weeks and then I'll go mad and get them all in one go.  The apples are slowly falling from the trees and the plums are now all in the freezer as crumble mix.

I like this time of year.

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