Look Out

By chrisf

Travellers Rest

Until I read about it in a national newspaper yesterday I had no idea this stone existed. Historic England, responsible for the country’s heritage, has listed two of these stones, and four others - which were thought until now to be horse mounts - are being re-described.

They were the idea of Warrington doctor James Kendrick. Between Liverpool and Manchester they were placed two miles apart, and were meant to offer a resting place for the Irish men and women who came seeking seasonal agricultural work on the Lancashire Plain. This one is headed “Travellers Rest” and below that the text reads “Look towards the sanctuary whilst I am here”. I assume that sanctuary is the adjacent St Oswald’s church at Winwick. The date when the stone was placed here is 1860.

There was huge Irish immigration into the cities of Liverpool and Manchester in the 19th century, and many people here today can trace their roots back to Ireland. Then as now the country was hugely dependent on migrant labour. It’s why the current public focus of the government on reducing immigration is contradicted by the increasing numbers coming in legitimately. A bit of honesty rather than political posturing would be a rather good idea.,

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