Look Out

By chrisf

Not so modern Retail

I am staying now with friends in Somerset.

A full day. First of all a walk from the Avalon Marshes Centre to RSPB Ham Wall on the Somerset Levels. All fairly quiet, although we did see a great white egret (extra) and a passing hobby.

Then M returned home and R and I moved onto Glastonbury for a walk up the Tor. Spectacular views, even on a dull day (extra). And the town is as peculiar a place as ever. The hippies who moved in and stayed in the 60’s started something which has just continued.

Then onto Wells, England’s smallest cathedral city. The cathedral and its environs are spectacular (extra). But my blip is of this shopfront, with the extra showing the neighbouring property. They have both been long closed. There will be a fascinating back story here, but we met no one who knew what it is. Whilst most of the produce in the window is years - decades even - beyond its sell by date, the jams seem to have been recently placed there.

A bit of back blipping, and I’ve now caught up.

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