thank you Admirer

Many continued thanks to Admirer for thinking of and running the Silly Saturday challenge. 

I had much socializing today. There was a baby shower for my pregnant friend and then my other friend's dinner turned out to not be a dinner for him, his wife, and me but a full-fledged party. I probably would not have gone if I had known but I had a wonderful time. The windows were open and I used Taffix so hopefully no one caught Covid. Now I know he only lives 15 minutes away.

Romania's prime minister hopes that 80% of Ukraine's grain will be exported through Romania. 

The EU had 135 million euros ($147 million) allocated for programs for Russia and Belarus. They've reallocated those funds. They are going to Ukraine and Moldova now. 

The United States has given its approval for the Netherlands and Denmark to deliver F-16s to Ukraine.

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