Sprout lover

By robharris35


I dreamt I was storing my bag in a random person’s home and lost the owner’s dog whilst she disappeared inside and left the door open. I searched for the dog but couldn’t find it, and then I couldn’t find the home again. I hope this isn’t another series of dreams symbolising a lost feeling, which I experienced a lot during the Covid era.

I found a place for a haircut, to decrease the bushiness. And then, very strangely, as I was walking down a main road, a man on stilts was walking simultaneously along the other side, drawing lots of stares, but lapping up the attention. It was good having eyes focused on an odder feature than me, for once.

The ongoing supermarket lottery today held good fortune. Old packets of Rolo, which I possibly haven’t eaten in this millennium, on sale for 1,000 Tanzanian shillings (around 30 pence) per pack. I bought several and they’re now chilling in my fridge.

These simple boats full of fishing paraphernalia are a very common sight around Dar es Salaam.

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