All the horsepower (Day 3023)

A much better day weather wise started off with the usual Sunday morning shopping trip. Back home briefly to unpack, then off to Stromness to get out on the horses.
When we got to the field my beautiful wife suggested we "do something a bit different". She explained that her plan was for her to ride Red and lead Jeeps, and I would lead Robin from George. It all went pretty well, and despite his inexperience and little legs, Robin kept up really well. On the way back HV suggested I let Robin loose because he would just follow us. He followed for a little while then stopped to munch grass. George and I had to turn back to shepherd him along. There was a bit more faffing about to get him moving later on, but all in all it worked fairly well.
Home for lunch and a wander out with Sigyn at Lyde. It was a bit too warm for all of us.
We settled Sigyn back at home and got out on the motorbikes, the first time HV and I have been out together on the bikes this year. A really grand ride and we covered around 90 miles.
We used nearly all of the horsepower today, sadly the big bike is still waiting for repairs so we had to use all of the available horsepower.

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