Oh, What A Beautiful Morning

We were able to sleep without air conditioning last night. And this morning was just as nice. We ate a quick breakfast and headed to a trail that leads to a pond. I found a few interesting specimens along our way. The forest never disappoints with all it has to offer. The pond’s surface mirrored its surroundings and reflected our blue sky. Such a peaceful scene; we soaked it in as we searched for the painted turtles. We took off on a different trail on the way back for a change of scenery. That’s where I found the interesting fungi. These paths were definitely less steep than the one to the beach we were on yesterday. Then it was time to hit the shower. I made us each a chef salad for lunch. We try hard not to bring in sand and stones but by mid-week, we have to shake all the rugs and sweep up, mostly kitty litter. Hubby played his guitar and I created the collage. It’s nap time now. The birds will sing us to sleep. Facebook is full of tributes to my cousin who passed yesterday. She stepped in as a mother to her sister’s three daughters after Ginny passed way too young. She was a devoted mother and father to her own children after a horrible tragedy. She raised two of her granddaughters whose Mom and Dad were unable to be caring parents. And after working full time for an attorney, she devoted any free hours to our kids’ elementary school, also her Alma Mater. So many people depended on her; her loss will be heavily felt. God knew she needed relief from this world that wore her out mentally and physically. Thanks for your visit and your kind comments yesterday. Stay safe and hug your family. “Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.” - John Muir

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