77 F/ 25 C

Another day with 
polluted air but maybe
some rain could arrive


Yesterday, our air pollution from the wildfires was such that we were awarded the worst air quality of anywhere on this planet. I suspect we will win that dubious honour again today. 

I left the house just before 8. Of course, I found myself in the morning rush for those going to work. I'm never happy with the number of aggressive, pushy drivers I encounter. They take far too many chances with my fenders. 

I crossed the bridge to park in Riverside. I like to take a read on the visibility of my mountains and other landmarks. I walked down to the pier to get some shots along the river and the skyline. It's so smoky today that colour only really appears in close shots. The landscape is muted to grey. 

I caught a saucy squirrel browsing the plants. He took a run at a big crow that got too close. The bird was startled and took off making a racket. That really made me laugh. 

The grass is browning and the flowers are dwindling. There seems to be some water poured on the park, but I suspect it comes from a water truck and not the underground sprinklers. 

I am home and inside to wait out this dismal day. My feet are getting lots of rest.  

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