
At work from 8 'til 4 and then a bit of a pedal out back before hotfooting it along the canal to catch a preview screening of Scrapper at The Cameo - I liked it a lot. Plenty of charm, plenty of heart. And that goes a long way.

Then across town to meet up with a couple of mates (jaybroek was one of them, remember him?) for a pint at The Pleasance before seeing a pretty ridiculous - in a good way - show at Assembly Roxy. Mythos: Ragnarok told the story of the Greek gods and myths through a mixture of theatre and live wrestling. When the narrative flagged a wee bit at times there was always a good meaty grapple coming up to look forward to. A lot of fun, and they certainly put their all into it...jeezo, that's got to hurt, surely?

A few pints in Bristo Square to finish the night off before the walk home. Pretty late...and work in the morning to look forward to.

On Today's Playlist

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