In the High Country

Sorry this isn't a very good shot as I only had my cell phone with me. Meant to have taken my camera when I went to pick my son up to take him to the airport. It has been one of those days when what ever would go wrong would go wrong!

This is a shot of one of my paintings taken on my phone and I can't make any changes as I do not know how to down load the photos onto my computer. The colours are much more intense that what you can see here. When our house was having EQC repairs and painting done, I took my biggest works over to my sons place and he has put them up on his wall and I don't like to remove them now.

I wasn't at all well over night with a very high temperature so thought I better go to the doctor. And yes I do have Bronchitis and bad asthma. So have Antibiotics and Prednisone to take. Just as well I went to see her! My head cold has gone which is something.

My son got away OK but was in a rush when I arrived as he had only got home from work. Think he made it on time as I haven't had a call form him! First stop is Thailand.

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