
By Mindseye

More than neighbours

Well my time on “our Drive” is all but up, Friday is moving out day! Sorry I’ve been a bit absent on here lately but it’s been full on these last few weeks!

Tonight I thought I was off out for a little farewell meal with D&E, friends & quiz buddies from nextdoor……little did I know
the surprise in store.

Literally everyone from our little cul de sac of 8 houses came to a local Italian to say farewell & wish me luck as I move on to my next chapter.

It was a fab evening, I’m going to really miss these guys, Aiden & Rhys in the foreground were little boys when we all moved in to our then new homes, 20+ years ago. We have shared some fab times…..and obviously some sad ones too. I’m sure N was smiling down on us.

I was totally spoilt, wouldn’t let me pay for anything, I have a lovely card full of encouraging messages, a Next gift voucher to buy something for my new home :-) I’ve actually seen a lamp I really like for the lounge. Seems appropriate to have something that will light up, it will remind me of all their smiling faces.

If my new neighbours are half as lovely, I’ll be very lucky!!

Thank you guys, I will miss you, but you’re not rid of me forever, fully expect to visit & be visited too xx

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