Reflections and a sticker

As we are planning on driving in France in September we thought we had better get one of the French ‘clean air’ stickers, which identify a vehicle’s air pollutant emissions, and which are obligatory in some French cities. I doubt we will be anywhere near any of these cities, but we were interested anyway. A lot of form-filling and scanning of documents etc. and a week later we have a sticker. 

There are five categories for vehicles - 0 - 5. Crit’ Air 0 is electric vehicles and the most polluting vehicles are Crit’ Air 5. We are at Crit’ Air 1, which means we are one of the least polluting vehicles apart from electric. That’s good to know. 

And we have solved the issue of having to replace a GB sticker with a UK one. We do not like the ugly white UK stickers, but Gordon found you could get a sticker to add to a number plate and this is officially acceptable. Sad that it covers up the EU number plate which we have hung onto since Brexit but there you go . . . 

The sticker is a little messy as I covered up the registration number. I am sure there is something about not publishing number plates. 

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