
By PaulaJ


That came as a surprise. I had not realised that Blip number 4,500 was important. So hastily I thought of what stones I could seek out, as has been my usual focus on such a day. However, the forecast was for cloud and rain all day, and it is a Bank Holiday weekend - I was not encouraged to venture out.

Indoors then. As I am moving books around today, I thought I would create the number in books. I had just got it all laid out on the living room floor and was wondering how on earth to photograph it, when up popped the copyright warning from Blipfoto . . . !

I decided to play it safe and change my plan. I would use something I did own the copyright for - pieces of work created by me.

So here I am at 4,500 blips and still going. Thanks to everyone who passes by my journal. Thanks to everyone who helps to make this such a precious place of joy and positivity. How much we need such a haven in today’s world.

And many thanks to all who keep it going for us - even if that is by reminding us about copyright!

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