Lavender latte

Up and out the door at 745am to get a bus to get a plane to London. And there was a definite chill in the air, the locals will tell you autumn is coming, I say it feels like winter!
Everything ran to schedule and so it meant a long wait to view apartment 1. I ambled (limped, thank you arthritis) up Edgware Rd, my old stomping ground which has changed considerably in 20 years, hung about in Pret then visited the apartment. Overpriced, maybe not as the owner will be away.. I shall think. Trained it to West Brompton and my bnb - nice set up - I have the whole top floor to myself. A nice chat with the owner who’s from Melbourne and been in London 48 years.
Dashed out to meet two students, a couple, that I’ve been teaching online. So nice to finally meet them, but weird too. We know each other but don’t. They treated me to a lovely afternoon tea - pistachio cake not shown but delicious! I’m looking forward to seeing them in the future. We walked to Charing Cross station, it was closed, we went to Embankment and I went to Waterloo to walk to Waterloo east, which was also closed. Who planned my trip?! Back to the tube to London Bridge. Train to Beckenham - I was late but it wasn’t a problem. I got there after 8pm. Nice place, a definite possibility. I walked to the High Street and looked at apartment no 3 - a possibility but small, lovely owner. Trains back into London were not running normally. Blackfriars, then Earls Court. I stopped for dinner - edible Italian but too tired and sore to care! Bus home where my hostess was waiting - we chatted for more than an hour! It was nice. I managed the spiral stairs and fell into bed! At midnight!

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