
By Undercovercairo

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After my crazy day I slept well last night! Except for waking up and wondering why my bedroom now had curtains.. disoriented! Breakfast at the BnB was nice, with another chat with the hostess. Her husband has Parkinson’s and it seems hard to get affordable respite care. I called Dad and after that set off to see Battersea Power Station - I’ve not seen it since the redevelopment. A cool area! I wandered around and soaked up the sun. Nice to just sit and observe. I also messaged the first home owner from yesterday - I’ve decided I can’t take it. She has a bath only, just like this morning’s BnB - I can get in and out easily, just not up and down! Damn this arthritis. Lunch was a sandwich in St James Park then out to Luton and a flight to Glasgow. A nice weekend!

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