Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mother-in-law's tales, many good deeds, and autumn

TSM bought us both lovely new vintage industrial style bedside lamps today so I decided to blip them. 

I met the Yoga Mama at lunchtime but we didn’t eat lunch. We were at a perfectly nice cafe but there wasn’t anything for me to eat and she was more than happy with coffee and carrot cake. She did however insist on changing tables twice. Hysterically, the second time she got a young woman to help her who then smiled and left the premises with her boyfriend.

“Oh my god” she said “I thought she was a member of staff!’ I think the Yoga Mama has a commanding air about her. People just do as they are told.

There were two men at the next table one of whom also helped her up the steps. When we were having coffee I noticed they both had a copy of Staying Sober Without God in front of them which I thought was very brave (by which I mean the public declaration of addiction rather than the act of heresy). 

We talked of many things and then went to a shop where I bought a colouring book for a friend stuck in hospital. I forgot to buy coloured pencils however so it was quite literally a pointless exercise. In the afternoon I checked the Yoga Mama’s car tyres for her and took her the weekly cholla. 

I didn’t just do my duties as a good son in law. I also gave our kitchen a deep clean and wired in the outside lights. I also made TSM’s lunch and fixed her IT up for her for a day of working from home. I danced to Footloose whilst I was cleaning the kitchen. There is a fantastic dance off to it in Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy which I have just watched. 

I also cooked supper. We had roasted vegetables with rice and a fried egg on top. I went to get the eggs from our local supplier, Carol. Her dogs come bounding up to the gate to meet me now they know me.

Later I decided to polish my halo but it was shining so brightly after my doing so many good deeds in one day that I didn’t bother. 

Late evening Strider and I drank porter and watched a film about the life of the young JRR Tolkein.

It was cooler today. Next week it will be September, which is really busy for us. Then it will be October and we may get a rest. Then it will be November which will be exciting and momentous for me. 

Autumn is in the air. TSM remarked about how many leaves are on the ground from our old apple tree. It is very ancient and has born hardly any apples this year.

I went to bed with a glow, on more than one count.

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