Friday: Where Are We?

According to my Fitbit, I had a sleep score of 37 last night.  I didn’t even know it was possible to score that low.  I’m hoping that my exhaustion will translate into an excellent night’s sleep tonight.

After breakfast in Marietta, we drove for a couple of hours to Chattanooga.  Early impressions of the town are really positive.  Of the hotel, less so.  What the website neglected to mention was that they were undergoing a massive (and I mean MASSIVE) renovation project.  

Our room was really dismal and bore no resemblance to the rooms on the website. We expressed our disappointment to the receptionist and were horrified when she told us that our room was one of the newly renovated ones.  She showed us the older ones and, quite frankly, they’re way better so I think I’d be having a word with their interior designer.

Anyway, we’ve decamped to the ‘older’ room, and found microbreweries so all good.  

Here you have the famous train station, of Chattanooga Choo Choo fame.

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