
By Alberta

Puycelsi another perspective

This is another view of the village I posted yesterday evening. This was on
the way down this morning. We first saw this village from the road on the
other side and it looked then like it was perched on a cliff! We thought we
were going to have to climb 200metres in half a kilometre. Fortunately we
found this way which was a little more gentle.

We are now in the Tarn and have arrived at a very old chateau. I am sure
I'll be posting a photo of it tomorrow. Just about to go into a large
hot bath and ease the legs.

It really is miraculous how Ronnie is recovering. He did not eat for 6
days, was skeletal and could barely stand. It must be all your wonderful
wishes and my son's love for him. He studies animal conservation. Animals
are his passion and his love for them is unbounded.

And we are getting all the travel plans fixed so I should have 4 or 5 days
with him before he has to go back to NZ. I'm so excited. La vie est bon.

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