Mountains in sand

Vertiginous mountain peaks, sheer cliff faces, superb screes, boulders riven from the cliff faces, moraines filling a glacial valley, horizontal bedding planes and a high pass to the next valley. Tremendous alpine scenery - in a pile of sand about 6 foot high on the golf course.

We’ve walked past piles of sand and soil here before, never see geomorphology like it.

Had a band practice this afternoon, the last rehearsal before our performances and the Faversham Hop Festival on Sunday.

Thank you to everyone who identified yesterday’s plant as burdock. When we were kids Dandelion and Burdock pop was occasionally available and always intriguing. I’m sure no dandelions or burdock were harmed in making the drink.

Thank you too for your continued good wishes on my recovery. Pleased to report further improvement today and probably back to normal.

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